Sidemount Diving…
Balanced. Streamlined. Redundant.
There are many benefits to Sidemount diving, such as being balanced, streamlined, have a fully-redundant breathing system. Read the blog to learn more.
Why Dive Sidemount?
Having the right dive gear can make the difference between a good dive and a great dive. Not all gear is the same, let us share some of our favourites that we use every dive.
Dive Gear
Shore Diving is a great way to get in the water on your own schedule, at your pace. Looking to gain in water experience, sort out new gear, or just need a dive buddy, contact us!
Shore Diving?
Don’t forget to check out the Blog posts, from gear reviews, experiences, opinions and general thoughts.
Blog Posts
“My favorite thing to do on this planet is to scuba dive.”
- Buzz Aldrin.
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